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No New Posts twitter - 1 Viewing

twitter pages may be placed here. we ask that there is only one thread per character in this sub-board and that the title be @username.

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No New Posts facebook

facebook pages may be placed here. we ask that there is one thread per character in this sub-board, and we ask that the title be that character's facebook name in all capitals.

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No New Posts other social networking

any social networking sites that aren't included in the two above should be placed here. the title should be similar to the character's username on that site, and you should include in brackets what site it is. for example, instagram would be @username . please remember that tumblr is a blogging site so we request that tumblr sites be placed in the blogs and journals board.

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Board Information & Statistics

Board Description
social networking
this is where your character's twitter and facebook pages may be placed. of course, there are the various other social networking sites your character may use, and we are fine with that. however, please place your character's social networking site in the correct sub-board with the correct title.
Board Statistics
Threads and Posts
Total Threads:0
Total Posts:0
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